Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Health Science Librarian
Research, look for, and provide the following about the following about
“Health Science Liberian”
Duties and Responsibilities: Health Sciences Librarians collect and organize medical information and help practitioners find the information they need for patient care, education, research, and administration.
Salary: $20,000 - $50,000
Education: We as students should take challenging high school courses in management, science, math, and English.
You have to go to Library technician programs at a community college or technical school. Associate's degrees can be earned in many of these programs in order to participate or become this career.
Answer: Do you think you would like to be a health science librarian? Why? Why not?
I would not like to be a Health Science Librarian because this career does not interest me. I wouldn’t like to research things or store information. They also get paid the minimum which wouldn’t consider me doing.

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